We are Ignite. We believe in the power of creativity—that art in all its forms can unite people. Our creative work can set the world on fire, as St. Ignatius asks us to do.


  • Siege of Markarth

    Isaac MacLean-Cury ‘27 Characters Namira  Theophilos (The Champion)  Coven of Namira Leader  Coven Member  Yarl of The Reach (a.k.a. Markarth)  Guard/soldier.  Chorus/Coven Members  Part I Enter Theophilos and the Coven Leader.  Coven Leader:      Sire, not to question thy all knowingness, yet do thou knowest if this resolve shall work out i’ our favor? They hath…

  • It’s Not About Ghosts, I Promise

    Zoe Bocek ‘24             It’s silent in your house. Or at least, it’s silent to you. There are sounds—but they are the sounds you’ve known for as long as you’ve lived here; the washing machine, the fridge, the buzzing of lights, the dishwasher, the creak of that one floorboard, or that one door hinge. It’s…

  • The Moon and her Knight

    Brooklyn Welch ’25 On a small plane of space, the moon began to cry. “I’ve become ugly,” she whispered. A wandering knight, sleek white in dark hues, sat on a star to look at her. “How so?” “I’m forgotten. I hardly ever see a soul look at me,” the moon sighs; “ugly things are forgotten.”…