Siege of Markarth
Isaac MacLean-Cury ‘27 Characters Namira Theophilos (The Champion) Coven of Namira Leader Coven Member Yarl of The Reach (a.k.a. Markarth) Guard/soldier. Chorus/Coven Members Part I Enter Theophilos and the Coven Leader. Coven Leader: Sire, not to question thy all knowingness, yet do thou knowest if this resolve shall work out i’ our favor? They hath…
It’s Not About Ghosts, I Promise
Zoe Bocek ‘24 It’s silent in your house. Or at least, it’s silent to you. There are sounds—but they are the sounds you’ve known for as long as you’ve lived here; the washing machine, the fridge, the buzzing of lights, the dishwasher, the creak of that one floorboard, or that one door hinge. It’s…
The Moon and her Knight
Brooklyn Welch ’25 On a small plane of space, the moon began to cry. “I’ve become ugly,” she whispered. A wandering knight, sleek white in dark hues, sat on a star to look at her. “How so?” “I’m forgotten. I hardly ever see a soul look at me,” the moon sighs; “ugly things are forgotten.”…
The Caledon Chronicles
Mason Beckett ‘27 Chapter 1 It all began in the winter. The fateful time when harsh zephyrs blew strong and thick white snow clung to the frozen ground. A small boy trudged through snow-laden fields once tangled with green vines and flowing grapes. His golden curls grew near to his shoulders and his cheeks burned…
Journey of Change
Mica Mamplata ’27 The word and definition are “Rehabilitation – the act of restoring something to its original state.” Recovery begins the journey of change Everything is brighter after that Home sweet home, now a safe haven Association with society, a sobering reality Bit by bit Inch by inch, returning to society’s norms Leaning into…
A Challenge
Mica Mamplata ’27 The word and the definition are “Definitely – with a challenging and disobedient attitude.” Defiant eyes stare into soul of the challenger Elbows exposed from rolled-up sleeves, muscles tensed Feet fixed into the ground with arms crossed Imagine the defeat of its prey Nothing will ever get in its way It has…
F. Ridley
Aki Anandam ’24 Several years had passed since he left the farm, but F. Ridley never forgot the sweet scent of grapes that floated across the land. The autumn winds would carry the scent throughout the plains, and if he closed his eyes now, he could almost taste it. He was a long way from…
Grace McGowan ’26 in a place not so far away: unruly divots of metal and glass strain towards the sun; deep grooves, intersecting lines drawn in dirt long ago; a tangle and tumble of roots underfoot, threaded together in knots and strands. life teems at all hours relentlessly, it is inescapable: voices like bumblebee hums …
The Day
Dominic Giuzio ’24 I. One moment The sun stands against a blue backdrop, The air is sweet as nectar, Warmth embraces the world, And cheerful conversations Meander across green clearings. The next, The sun retreats behind a dark cloud, The air becomes heavy with darkness, Cold seizes everything, And silence Becomes louder than ever. II.…
Kyle Hays ’24 Amidst glowing lights A world not here all the time Is seen at day’s end
Kyle Hays ’24 Is seen at day’s end The cold darkness surrounds us It feels warm for once
Kyle Hays ’24 There is no one person who is the same as another Our hair doesn’t all flip in the wind Our eyes don’t all see the same pink cherry blossoms floating in the breeze We can try to be like others all we want But we can never be others We can want…
The internet…
Dominic Giuzio ‘24 A nebula of information A great cohesion of 1’s And 0’s. Everything that you are Is translated into code, Diluted into binary And shipped off To the top buyer. Nothing is safe Nothing is protected. As you interact with the internet The internet interacts with you And you are taken away Gradually…
The Whir
Griffin Lines ‘24 With time here in the home I’ve lived in and loved for eighteen years soon coming to an end, it is the unseen, unnoticed, and mundane aspects of my life that I’ve come to appreciate more and more. It is my mattress and duvet cover that call my name every night and…
Upside Down
Andrew Morrell ’24 The clacking of my blinds As a gentle breeze blows Through the open window Carrying the smell of a fresh downpour A gentle pine scent And the soft chirping of birds As they begin their morning songs Fluctuating with the blinds as they sway Is the morning sun Devouring my room And…
Ardaja Callandret ’24 Sometimes, you sweat so much that your face gets hot, and you feel like you’re in a sauna. Sometimes, your lung capacity shortens, and you feel like you are close to death. The sound of screaming and the smacking of a chest cover rings in your ear, and you are overwhelmed, but…
The Center of a Tootsie Pop
Kiera Munko ’24 A few of my friends and I were out playing at recess one day in elementary school. As usual, we were playing a game we had come up with. We were always coming up with different games to play, but often we would play pretend. We would come up with a plot,…
Alexander Wathen ‘24 Camping A warm fire crackles. Its glow warding off the cold, Darkness beyond it Matches A warm fire crackles: Glowing embers of a home; Ash where it once stood.
Birds Sing, A Rooster Crows
Sofia Griffin ‘24 I. She opens the shutters And lets the light flow. II. Water drips onto tiled floor; The sun dries my curls.
Engraved with a name
Franny Broderson ‘24 Is a baby’s fresh footprint on permanent paperUntouched by the world and full of possibility.Eyes dart from place to place blissfully.No rush, no hurry, and not a single worry.Babbles of nonsense have others fawning whileSilk fists constantly reach for the unreachable.Moments flourishing as time is just beginning. Names in an ink-splotched yearbookFilled…
Through Eight Eyes
Franny Broderson ‘24 I saw a woman:Towering, eccentric, powerful.Admiring her majestic plump hands,Thinking, how wonderful.How wonderful it is to be different.Her kind runs the worldI live in it.That’s why I didn’t run.Why I didn’t see it coming.Why I was smashed. Why wouldShe kill me When all we Are is Different?
When Intelligence is Artificial
Franny Broderson ’24 We lose our minds. Lost like misplaced keys Subconsciously stashed in your pocket. Whispers of guilt and curiosity buzz in your ear. You want to feel the magnetic keyboard Pulling your fingers. You want to lose your mind To the one that’s fake.
The students have Questions
El-Shaddai Fessehatsion ‘24 I have so many questions So many thoughts But a voice so quiet And young It is drowned in the echos it holds no power They all decide what I learn As I sit back and watch Like an owl observing the world My life falls into their hands How come my…
The all-knowing mind
Franny Broderson ’24 Is wanted dead By the people who like knowing They are only human. Spines of kids in stiff rows ache. Maybe half think for themselves, But all are watched. Watched by the people who like knowing. Watched by the thing that does. The mind is taking its first steps, While some try…
A Lost System
El-Shaddai Fessehatsion ‘24 A full classroom A lost teacher A confused society All seeking one answer. How much do we teach? What is too much? The students have questions. But the teachers can’t answer. Politics and children: A mix we don’t want. Parents hurt. Teachers stuck in the middle. When did getting an education become…