Through Eight Eyes

Franny Broderson ‘24

I saw a woman:
Towering, eccentric, powerful.
Admiring her majestic plump hands,
Thinking, how wonderful.
How wonderful it is to be different
Her kind runs the world
I live in it.
That’s why I didn’t run.
Why I didn’t see it coming.
Why I was smashed.

Why would
She kill me

When all we

Are is


When Intelligence is Artificial

Franny Broderson ’24

We lose our minds.

Lost like misplaced keys

Subconsciously stashed in your pocket.

Whispers of guilt and curiosity buzz in your ear.

You want to feel the magnetic keyboard

Pulling your fingers.

You want to lose your mind

To the one that’s fake.

The students have Questions

El-Shaddai Fessehatsion ‘24 

I have so many questions 

So many thoughts  

But a voice so quiet

And young

It is drowned in the echos 

it holds no power 

They all decide what I learn 

As I sit back and watch  

Like an owl observing the world 

My life falls into their hands

How come my voice does not matter?

I am right here

I shout


Ask me what I want 

My shouts turn to murmurs

Trying to differentiate right and wrong 

I stumble around seeking the answer

The all-knowing mind

Franny Broderson ’24

Is wanted dead

By the people who like knowing

They are only human.

Spines of kids in stiff rows ache.

Maybe half think for themselves,

But all are watched.

Watched by the people who like knowing.

Watched by the thing that does.

The mind is taking its first steps,

While some try leading it off a cliff.

Muffled shouts while only humans wrangle.

Now loose spines are silently home.

CLICK Click click…

answer Answer ANSWER.

It only knows when we let it.

A Lost System

El-Shaddai Fessehatsion ‘24

A full classroom

A lost teacher 

A confused society 

All seeking one answer.

How much do we teach?

What is too much?

The students have questions.

But the teachers can’t answer.

Politics and children: 

A mix we don’t want. 

Parents hurt.

Teachers stuck in the middle. 

When did getting an education become so controversial?