Engraved with a name

Franny Broderson ‘24

Is a baby’s fresh footprint on permanent paper
Untouched by the world and full of possibility.
Eyes dart from place to place blissfully.
No rush, no hurry, and not a single worry.
Babbles of nonsense have others fawning while
Silk fists constantly reach for the unreachable.
Moments flourishing as time is just beginning.

Names in an ink-splotched yearbook
Filled with undefined youths
Wondering what they should be.
Internal clocks tick, tick, tick
While they reach out for answers.
Don’t worry, there’s still time.

A rusty office name plate.
Behind, a suit and tie.
Behind that, a weary soul
Reaching for a break.
One day at a time.

Papery fingers
Are still.
Time’s up.
Waiting: a stone

Engraved with a name.